New Drop-Off Point

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As of June 1st, 2021 we have a new drop-off point on South Granville in Vancouver.

Please drop off carpets to 2310 Granville Street which is one block up and across the street from the current drop-off location.

Regular hours are 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday through Saturday.

More Service Areas

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We have added more locations to our service area. Please call us for pickup and delivery availability.

  • Bowen Island
  • Delta
  • Morgan Creek
  • Whistler
  • Squamish
  • Horseshoe Bay
  • Langley
  • Gulf Islands

Colour Run Removal on Persian Carpet

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We had a customer come in with water damaged carpet where the colours ran and made the entire carpet red. We are specialized in colour removal jobs and used our process to rectify the problem. Below you can see the before and after of our work.
